Wednesday 11 March 2020


Name: Peliasi
Date: 11/3/20
Title: Sports 

Sports are very fun because your body gets to mobilise a lot. Sports can teach you a lot because it helps you with your skills, agility, handles, fitness and you would have a very good mindset.

Sports are not just for fit people it could be for anyone unless you put effort into it, it doesn't really matter how you look, what matters is how you play so don't judge people in sports.

There are millions of sports to try, I think everyone should try one because it motivates you and it’s also FREE so that's another good thing. Famous people that play sports get paid a lot of money and if you try hard when you are older you will earn it.

Sports can give you a good mindset because, if you train a lot you will get to know where the ball is going and your skills will reform all the time, and your handlings will be spectacular.

1 comment:

  1. Sup peliasi your writing has inspired me to become a sporty player.
