Friday 31 July 2020

LiMeRiCk PoEmS (pt 2)

LiMeRiCk PoEmS

My teacher’s from a place called Limerick
To be honest, he sounded really slick
 he told me to work
I wasn’t that perk 
But still cool to have a teacher that's not sick


Tuesday 28 July 2020

Science - Tech

Our aim is to find sugar content in coke
Equipments: - Coke, Bunsen burner, Beaker, Tripod stand and wire guage.

We did all of these to find out how much sugar was inside 150ml.
First thing we did was pour 150ml of coke inside the Beaker and after that we placed it on top of the tripod stand with the wire guage and lit the fire and we waited for the coke to Evaporate and find out how much sugar that was inside the 150ml of coke.

Results: - Coke evaporated and we got the coke crystals, even from 8 meters away we could smell the sugar from far.

Friday 24 July 2020

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Tech - Science

Today at Tech, we learnt a lot about Sugary stuff and things that we eat that contain a lot of sugar in it, such as weetbix, cereal, protein bars and yogurt. Many people think that it's good to eat those, but actually it's not because it contains more sugar than you need daily.

It's actually good to have sugar but not to much. It's good to have sugar because it give you energy to mobilize and play and it burns while playing.

Before eating something make sure to read the back to see the ingredients and always have 6 - 8 grams a day.